Worldwide, cereals are some of the most important food crops for both humans and livestock. Wheat alone covers more land around the world than any other crop—including canola.
The world domination of cereals is why we dedicate so much of our cropping programming to cereal crop research. We then use the information we gather to help famers make better financial decisions when it comes to their productions.
Regional Variety Trials – Cereals
Background: Regional cereal variety trials have been grown in the Lakeland since 1991. Each new variety is tested for three years against a common check variety kept in the trial long-term. Each year, new varieties are added and older ones ...
Night Spraying
Background: Recently, the question has been raised as to whether the effectiveness of various herbicides change as spraying times are altered throughout the day. The advent of night lights on tractors has allowed for more work to be done during ...