Pasture Rejuvenation

Pasture Rejuvenation

In 2009, rejuvenation of the west end dug-out started. Heifers were denied access to the dug-out when pastured at the west-end where the LARA portable watering system was used. The watering system was used into 2011. However, during the second graze of that year, there were problems with the pump and heifers had to be allowed access to the dug-out again.

In 2010, a second rejuvenation project was started when 80 acres of regrowth on pasture E1 was sprayed with Grazon at 4 L/acre on July 26, 2010. The effect of the spray will continue to be monitored in the next few years.

A third rejuvenation project was started in the fall of 2012 and continued in the spring of 2013. On November 17, 2012 sulphur fines (21-0-0-24) were applied to W1 at 200 lbs/ac and 300 lbs/ac with an equal area left un-fertilized for comparison. The same procedure was repeated on July 4, 2013 in W2; at this time grazing cages were placed in the fields to monitor and record differences in pasture quality and growth. No visual differences were observed throughout the grazing season and on October 3, 2013 forage clippings were collected from W1 and W2. These samples were sent to A & L Canada Laboratories for wet chemistry analysis.

No significant trends were observed in yield between the two treatments. CP content and TDN were higher with the spring application of fertilizer and there was an increase in CP content when 300 lbs/ac was applied. The impacts of the fertilizer will continue to be monitored over the next few years to determine long-term impacts on forage yield and quality.


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