Perennial Forage
Perennial forage includes a wide range of grasses and legumes. Forage grasses are used by livestock producers for a variety of reasons—from hay and greenfeed to summer pasture to winter grazing to stockpiled forage.
They make up one of the largest sources of livestock feed on the prairies.
Perennial Crop Diversity
Perennial forages come with a wide variety of characteristics. Some forage crops are tolerant to grazing (Creeping Red Fescue, Orchardgrass, Kura Clover) while others are easily eaten by livestock as hay or greenfeed (Sainfoin, Smooth bromegrass).
When perennial legumes are included as part of a crop rotation, fertilizer costs go down. Producers see an improvement in overall soil and water quality, an increase in available nitrogen in the soil through nitrogen fixation, and a reduction in weed pressure.